Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Broken Church Homes Men of God and Divorce by G.Craig Lewis

Broken Church Homes

Why are our pastors and church leaders divorcing? Who will set the example of how to be married and raise a family in God's kingdom? What happened to the qualifications to lead God's people that are talked about in the word? We are living in a sad day people and it is gonna get worse. If the "men of God" can't stay married or believe God for their own marriage, how can they lead God's church?

Sure there are a few of these men who's wives have divorced them because they no longer want to be in the marriage. But I'm not talking about those scenarios, i'm talking about these Bishops and Pastors that are doing exactly what the Pharisees were doing in the Old Testament and that is, putting their wives away for convenience sake, or because they feel their family is not as important as their ministry!
 continue on this url blog:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012




Mr. Praise Fowowe
Naturally I am not one to speak on matters like this because even though I am called to the family life industry I try to mind my business but events of the past 2years has proven that I can no longer be quiet about this matter because we can’t fold our arms and watch the marital institution become a mockery.

A friend buzzed me to share a burden with me of the need for us to pray for our men of God because the devil is attacking their marriages. I was a bit taken aback because while I agree that every bad thing that happens is made possible by the devil but he can’t also operate without human connection. How can the devil slap you without entering someone whose hands is available to do the slapping?

That brings me to the issue of divorce. Our soft-sell magazines are awash with stories of pastors in their 3rd and 4th marriages and all sorts happening. And someone called me to ask me why we are experiencing these. I will attempt to answer his question because many reasons could be attributed to it:

1. A Man of God is not God he is a man – Unfortunately we treat our men of God as if they are spirits who don’t live in a human body. What do we expect when we saddle them with our numerous issues. Unfortunately many are not wise enough to say No to church members whose lives will continue if they drop dead. Church members have academic problems, they go to a pastor; they have financial problems, they go to the pastor; they have marital problems, they go to a pastor as if the man is built to solve every problem and in our quest to prove that we are superstars we also fail to embrace the use of professionals who are trained in these areas because of our hidden fear of losing respect. What stops a man of God who knows his marriage is in danger to take a back seat and allow a church member whose marriage is a model take the message on a Sunday that marriage is meant to be discussed? You are not built to solve every problem as a matter of fact you are like an entrepreneur coordinating the various factors of production. You must understand that there are many MOGs in the congregation who are not answering to any title. What task would you give Bill Gates if he were your church member or you would go ahead to preach on social media when you have Mark Zuckerbeg in your church? It is only God that is omniscience we are not and must not try to pretend that we are or allow people make us one.

2. Anointing doesn't give immunity to divorce- The same way anointing doesn't give immunity to sexual sins it doesn't also give immunity to divorce. It takes more than anointing to make marriage work. I have seen the people we refer to as unbelievers build a fantastic marriage while I have also seen loads of tongue talking believers make a shipwreck of theirs. The most important ingredient required to build a winning marriage isn’t prayers; it is knowledge and if you don’t have it you can’t pray it in. I tell people that your anointing won’t stop you from sleeping with church members if you have sex problems. As a matter of fact you don’t have to have sex problems, if you position yourself around babes consistently in the name of ‘My daughter in the Lord’ and you don’t draw a critical line it’s only a matter of time. My story is everywhere on how I was a sex addict in church after being born again yet leading praise worship and leading people to Christ until I became real with myself and went to get help. What you don’t have you don’t have it and you can’t also fake it to make it. Every counselor needs a counselor and every pastor needs a pastor who may not necessarily be a title carrying person because the problem with us in the part of the world is that we assume a laity isn’t anointed as long as he doesn’t pastor a large church. There are so many people that God has endowed with the wisdom to solve most of the problems many pastors are going through. Daniel was a politician; Nehemiah was the head of a brewery in Aso Rock- how many men of God would listen to such a fellow? If you are beating your wife don’t pretend you don’t have anger problem you need to get help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

3. There is no relationship without communication/relaxation: So many men of God don’t communicate with their spouses. You can’t expect an abandoned flower to thrive and blossom without your attention. I honestly think many of us saddle our wives with church work that they are not prepared for? I don’t believe that a man is a pastor necessarily means his wife must be a Pastor Mrs(my opinion). God’s callings and gifting isn't by marriage. Many of us need to spend more time with our spouses. I can’t understand the calling that makes a man of God remain in Nigeria while he sends his wife to Germany to pastor the branch of the church over there. Excuse me you are a human being who needs emotional attention unfortunately that is a reality in many ministries. I need to say that you are a man of God on the pulpit but at home you are a lover and a father to your children so you might learn to drop the Bible and the Christianities on the altar so that you can communicate with your wife and your children in human language. 
Even Jesus spoke with his mother and his disciples and even the crowd in a language they understand. I was invited to a meeting years ago and I asked the ministers there the last time they had a dance with their spouses? I was shocked that most of them admitted that it was during their wedding. What tells us that God would be angry if you attend Salsa lessons with your wife as a pastor or you think that would reduce the anointing or make you lose respect? Relationship needs communication to thrive and you must learn your spouse’s communication clues, love languages and even personality traits. I think many women’s social lives are dead simply because they married a man who is a pastor and they are being forced to live a life that is not theirs. Unfortunately it is only a matter of time because you can’t hide who you are for too long.

4. Isolation isn’t spirituality – Jesus never isolated himself as a matter of fact he was found in everyday places like our present day shopping malls and movie houses. I see a lot of young pastors who have aged faster than they should be because of isolation. Something tells us that we need to isolate ourselves to receive a word for a people who are being ‘pastored’ only during the service because many of them are really being influenced more by their favorite musician than their pastor. Don’t allow church members turn you into who you are not because if you don’t hang out with your babe they would spread your story when your marriage breaks down. When was the last time you met your pastor in a bus, a mall, a restaurant or a cinema? As a matter of fact when was the last time he was stuck in traffic and you saw him? If you have answered No then most likely your pastor is a spirit. I am aware that we have some top MOGs who could be embarrassed by going to such places but we created that system in the first place. If a man wants to live in isolation he should please not get married so that we can save the body of Christ all these embarrassment.

5. Wisdom is in the city square – If a man of God is inadequate on a particular subject it is not shameful to get help. As a matter of fact it is humility to look for help from people that have studied that particular subject. Age or longevity in ministry isn’t the same as wisdom. There could be something to learn from someone we have categorized a sinner. So when I hear someone make statements like there is nothing an unbeliever can teach me I often want to ask who taught him how to speak English or understand mathematics. God has created us to be interdependent that is why I would submit myself to the wisdom of my Doctor who is trained to understand the human body as well as my financial consultant who is trained to understand financial intelligence as well as my Marital mentor(who is not even a pastor) because he has ran a successful home for 50years. As a matter of fact he doesn’t have to have spent 50years if he has got the wisdom for marriage it is only sane for me to humble myself.

I think the key word here is humility because most of the reasons we are giving for divorce are selfish reasons which may not really hold any water for the discerning and many of the divorce cases are preventable provided we have submitted ourselves to knowledge. Only the truth sets a man free and that truth doesn’t necessarily have to come from the pulpit. It could be in a book or from someone who isn’t even a man of God. That people come every Sunday to worship and God has placed us as their pastors hasn’t made us an island of knowledge because there is a lot to learn from those people as well. If a successful career counselor is a member of your church and has submitted himself to your leadership I think it is also wise to submit the career decisions of your church members or even your own to his wisdom because he could have been a Bishop in his field if it were a church.

I believe we need to pray against this wind of marital divorce but I think the problem is deeper than prayers. My honest opinion is the need for us to change our approach from church expansion to kingdom expansion and by that I mean our ability to control the airwaves and what comes out of Nollywood and Hollywood as well as get involved in politics so that we can formulate policies. That way we would embrace the use of professionals and the Super Star pressure would have been off a lot of pastors so that they can spend quality time with their spouses and do normal things that a normal human being should do without members wondering if the man is still spiritual. 
You saw what you liked when you married your babe and proposed to her which she accepted so you need to spend time grooming her as well lest the serpent starts talking to her. Whatever God has joined together let no congregation put asunder. Selah

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Regulation And Financial Stability: Truth or Myth?

A paper on regulation as an aid to stability in the financial (banking)Sector using post-2008 Canada as a case study

This paper explores the regulation of the financial sector, with particular emphasis on the banking industry. It tries to evaluate existing regulation policies, their effect on economic activity and their effectiveness in keeping the sanctity of the financial sector. It gives an overview of its basis and changes through time and some of its inherent problems. It also looked through previous works, at the effectiveness of regulation on financial stability. The Canadian Financial sector was used as a case study following its apparent resilience to the 2007/08 financial crisis that rocked the world. Being an industrialized country and a member of the G10, this has caused a lot of interest in the regulatory structure and practice of the country with a view to testing its adaptability to different countries. It then concludes on whether regulation really did play a pivotal role in the resilience or it was based on other conditions and more:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nigerian God Elnathan John


The Nigerian god is one. It may have many different manifestations, but it is essentially different sides of the same coin. Sometimes, adherents of the different sides may fight and kill each other. But Nigerians essentially follow the Nigerian god.

This article is for all those who want to become better worshippers. If you are a new or prospective convert, God will bless you for choosing the Nigerian god. This is just how you must worship him.

First, you must understand that being a worshipper has nothing to do with character, good works or righteousness. So the fact that you choose to open every meeting with multiple prayers does not mean that you intend to do what is right. The opening prayer is important. Nothing can work without it. If you are gathered to discuss how to inflate contracts, begin with an opening prayer or two. If you are gathered to discuss how to rig elections, begin with a prayer. The Nigerian god appreciates communication.

When you sneak away from your wife to call your girlfriend in the bathroom, and she asks if you will come this weekend, you must say—in addition to “Yes”—“By God’s grace” or “God willing”. It doesn’t matter the language you use. Just add it. The Nigerian god likes to be consulted before you do anything, including a trip to Obudu to see your lover.

When worshipping the Nigerian god, be loud. No, the Nigerian god is not hard of hearing. It is just that he appreciates your loud fervour, like he appreciates loud raucous music. The Nigerian god doesn’t care if you have neighbours and neither should you. When you are worshipping in your house, make sure the neighbours can’t sleep. Use loud speakers even if you are only two in the building.
Anyone who complains must be evil. God will judge such a person.

Attribute everything to the Nigerian god. So, if you diverted funds from public projects and are able to afford that Phantom, when people say you have a nice car, say, “Na God”. If someone asks what the secret of all your wealth is, say, “God has been good to me”. By this you mean the Nigerian god who gave you the uncommon wisdom to re-appropriate public funds.

Consult the Nigerian god when you don’t feel like working. The Nigerian god understands that we live in a harsh climate where it is hard to do any real work. So, if you have no clue how to be in charge and things start collapsing, ask people to pray to God and ask for his intervention.

The Nigerian god loves elections and politics. When you have bribed people to get the Party nomination, used thugs to steal and stuff ballot boxes, intimidated people into either sitting at home or voting for you, lied about everything from your assets to your age, and you eventually, (through God’s grace), win the elections, you must begin by declaring that your success is the wish of God and that the other candidate should accept this will of God. It is not your fault whom the Nigerian god chooses to reward with political success. How can mere mortals complain?

The Nigerian god does not tolerate disrespect. If someone insults your religion, you must look for anyone like them and kill them. Doesn’t matter what you use—sticks, machetes, grenade launchers, IED’s, AK47’s.

The Nigerian god performs signs and wonders. He does everything from cure HIV to High BP. And the Nigerian god is creative: he can teach a person who was born blind the difference between blue and green when the man of god asks, and he can teach a person born deaf instant English. As a worshipper you must let him deliver you because every case of sickness is caused by evil demons and not infections. Every case of barrenness is caused by witches and has no scientific explanation.
So instead of hospital, visit agents of the Nigerian god. But the Nigerian god does not cure corruption. Do not attempt to mock him.

If you worship the Nigerian god, you are under no obligation to be nice or kind to people who are not worshippers. They deserve no courtesy.

The Nigerian god is also online. As a worshipper, you are not obliged to be good or decent on Facebook or twitter all week except on Friday and Sunday, both of which the Nigerian god marks as holy. So you may forward obscene photos, insult people, forward lewd jokes on all days except the holy days. On those holy days, whichever applies to you, put up statuses saying how much you are crazy about God.

These days, the Nigerian god also permits tweets and Facebook updates like: "Now in Church" or "This guy in front of me needs to stop dozing" when performing acts of worship.

In all, the Nigerian god is very kind and accommodating. He gives glory and riches and private jets. And if you worship him well, he will immensely bless your hustle.

By Elnathan John July19

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A letter of encouragement from a Mother who lost a Daughter by Tessie Ononye

My dear friend:

On behalf of my family and myself, thank you all for your prayers, calls, visits, gifts and words of encouragement on the passing of my daughter Christabelle. For all who knew her, Christabelle was a most unusual child. She was a blessing to me and my family for which we remain eternally grateful to God. She has run her race and finished her course. All that death did was to transport her form mortality to immortality, as we ALL will be transported at some point.  Although we feel her loss keenly, we are comforted that Christabelle has joined the cloud of witnesses urging us all on. So many scriptures encouraged and comforted me in this difficult time, and I’d  like to share some of them with you.
Ecclesiastes 7: 1-4, 8
7 A good name is better than precious ointment,
And the day of death than the day of one’s birth;
2 Better to go to the house of mourning
Than to go to the house of feasting,
For that is the end of all men;
And the living will take it to heart.
3 Sorrow is better than laughter,
For by a sad countenance the heart is made better.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
But the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
8 The end of a thing is better than its beginning;….
Isaiah 57:1-2
The righteous perish,
    and no one takes it to heart;
the devout are taken away,
    and no one understands
that the righteous are taken away
    to be spared from evil.
2 Those who walk uprightly
    enter into peace;
    they find rest as they lie in death.

Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Numbers 23:10(b)
….Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my end be like his!"

May the Lord bless His word in our hearts and may the God of all consolation keep us in His love and comfort. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort. May His name be praised forever!!

Best regards,

Tessie Ononye

Sunday, June 17, 2012



Dedication to FATHERS.

Fathers are wonderful people,
Too little understood,
And we do not sing their praises as often as we should,

For Father struggles daily
To live up to his image
As a protector and provider
And hero of the scrimmage,

And perhaps that is the reason
We sometimes get the notion
That fathers are not subject
To the thing we call emotion

But if you look inside Dad's heart
Where no one else can see,
You'll find he's sentimental
And soft as he can be

Fathers are just wonderful
In a million different ways,
And they merit loving compliments
And accolades of praise

For the only reason Dad aspires to fortune and success
Is to make the family proud of Him
And bring them happiness,

And like our heavenly Father,
He is a guardian and a guide,
Someone we can count on
To be always on our side.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gospel according to Facrook Lawan by

1)  And it came to pass after these things, on the first day of the first month of the twelfth year after the second millennium, that king Jona son of Bele announced to the people saying; there is no money left in the royal treasury, and the future of the kingdom is in great danger.

2) Therefore, a measure of oil shall no longer sell for three scores of silver and seven, but shall now be seven scores of silver and one. But the people grumbled aloud, and said unto another, what shall it profit our king to gain all these oil money and lose his throne?

3) For it is appointed unto him to reign but once, and after this prison, for many are the atrocities which he has committed.

4)  So they said unto the king, eat thou thy food in peace in the palace, and surround thou thyself with thine women, only touch not our oil price and do thy people no harm.

5) But the king would not listen, and said unto himself, I know my people, they shall only grumble for a while and soon they shall forget.

6) But the people would not forget, for the burden was too much for them to bear, and they said; now unto him that is able to increase the price of oil exceeding abundantly above all that his people can bear or think, according to the greed which worketh in him;

7) Unto him be curses in the streets by the masses throughout all ages, protests without end.

 So they took to the streets and gave the land no peace, and there was no going out or coming in throughout the kingdom for two weeks, and the king feared greatly and said to himself, surely these people shall overturn me if I answer them not.

9) So he called the head of the labourers unto the palace, and gave him bags of gold, that he mayest turn off the wrath of the people against the king.

10) So the king assembled the people and said unto them; a measure of oil shall no longer be seven scores of silver and one, but shall now be four scores of silver, one dozen and five, to this your leaders have agreed. Praise me now therefore for I am a benevolent king.

11) And after all these, the Loudspeaker of the House of People said, let us inquire into the king’s claim that there be no money in the royal treasury. So they appointed Farcrook, son of Lawal.

12) And said unto him, gather ye now all the oil sellers, that we may know who stole from the kingdom. This did him with diligence, and came back with his report saying

13) Thieves abound in the land, and so have the oil sellers stole from the people, and gave them not oil, this they did with the help of Aliyaro the king’s mistress; and the amount he mentioned was unheard of in the land.

14) When the people heard this, they were dismayed, and sorrow gripped their hearts.

15) But the oil sellers went in unto the king in his chamber, and said; rememberest thou O king that the what we stole did we make available to thy campaign, and by thus did we make you king.

16) If thou deliver us unto the people that they may punish us, we will hold not our tongue to tell the people that thou art one of us.

17) And they said unto him, how else shall we destroy the message if not to destroy the messenger? Let us therefore implicate Farcrook the son of Lawal in this matter.

18) So they sent a certain rich man from the West by the name Otedollar, and he took Farcrook into his house and gave him some money, that he may alter the report which he had set before the people.

19) And it was that Otedollar went before an assembly of the people and said unto them, trust ye this man who said we stole from the treasury? Surely he is one of us, for he came unto me in the middle of the night, and he left with his pockets full of money.

20) And the people where amazed, and their hearts bled, for Farcrook was a man in whom they had put their trust.

21) So Farcrook arose, and said; Otedollar is my briber, I did not request. He maketh me to sit down in his Maitama house; he leadeth me beside the chilled champagne.

22) He exploited my greed; he leadeth me in the path of marked dollars for subsidy’s sake.

23) Yea, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of EFCC, I will fear no arrest: for bribes are with me; my loots and my kickbacks they comfort me.

24) Thou preparest the dollars before me, in the presence of the SSS: thou anointest my mouth with wine; my pocket runneth over.

25) Surely the shame and reproach shall follow me all the days of my life, but I will dwell in the house of PDP forever and ever.

26) And the people wept, but there was no one to console them.

Ogunyemi Bukola

Friday, June 8, 2012


Please keep yourselves pure God requires of us t present ourselves -spirit soul n body
Romans 12:1-2