In I Corinthians 6:12-20 (again, please read), Paul talks about sexual immorality and why it is a bad thing. One of his points is that if you have sex with a prostitute (male or female), you will become "one flesh" (Body, Soul and Spirit) with him or her. You will be joined body, soul and spirit and as a consequence, you have now formed an intimate bond or "soul tie" with that person. Remember, sex is an act of all three parts of your body.Body, Soul and Spirit. . . all three are involved. That is why it is nonsense when the adulterous husband says, "It was just physical, honey, she (the other woman) doesn't mean anything to me." .Well, buster, you may have "sowed your seed" in other pastures to get your temporary physical "jollies," but the reality is, you have not only given to someone else (physically) what belongs to you wife, you have also formed a soul tie with that other woman - you became one flesh with her! Your wife is rightfully jealous (zealously protective of what is rightfully hers), because you are giving your body, soul and spirit to someone else! No wonder the wife says, "How could you?" over and over again.Sadly, this scene is repeated way too often in our culture today. May the Lord help us. . . and may He help me and you, to keep us pure! Only by His grace will we avoid this terrible tragedy.Finally, though this is such a tragedy, God (as always) has made a way for us to be cleansed from all of this unrighteousness and to start over. We need to, literally, break the unhealthy soul ties that we have made with other people. . . regardless of whether we have physically had sex with them or if we just imagined it in our mind or looked at pornography while masturbating. We need to proclaim (by the authority of Christ in us), with our mouths - out loud, that we renounce and break, once and for all, the soul tie with that person (playmate or otherwise) and ask Jesus' blood to cleanse us. This will break the soul tie and free you/me from the unhealthy bond with the other person. I John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify/cleanse us from all unrighteousness."You may think this is just "spiritual hocus-pocus", but I assure you, it is not. I have heard and seen stories of men (and most recently, sadly enough) women who continue to be drawn to and have feelings for the other person -even though they and the other person are married to someone else! The unhealthy soul tie continues to attract them to other people. I have also heard of a story or two of how a wife feels like "the other woman" is in bed with her and her husband, especially when they are having sex, even when they have forgiven each other. It's because that man still has a bond with the other woman, and when he has sex with his wife, she senses the other soul tie in her husband and (don't take this too far) is, in essence, becoming "one" with the other woman as well. The woman is sensing a very, very, very real bond, but it is a soulish and spiritual one. (This is another reason why "woman's intuition" is so strong when her husband has been cheating on her, even when not consummating the relationship sexually.) Thankfully, however, once the soul tie is broken, these "feelings" and, a tendency to schizophrenic experiences go away.
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